We collect all discussed news of this day.
Ant Financial company is already with the largest number of patents on blockchain in China. At the same time, Alibaba is studying this technology in many areas: tracking charity, cross-border food supply network, Tmall platform.
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During the first 3 months of 2018 in the Philippines, transactions involving both fixed and crypto-currencies were high. Deputy Governor Chuchi Fonache announced that the transfer of the national currency to the local currency was $ 24.16 million.
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Users of the application Kik in the near future will be able to earn and spend the digital cryptocurrency Kin, which is the foundation of the company's cryptocurrency economy.
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Chinese venture company Node Capital plans to launch a branch, whose fund will be 200 thousand tokens of Ethereum. The purpose of the fund is to provide investment support to US start-ups.
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The Securities Regulatory Commission of Hong Kong has published an annual report. In it, she pointed out that because of the "risk" of new technologies, she will pay close attention to cryptresources and ICO and "intervene when necessary".
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