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Thanks to miners of digital currencies, the concept of scarcity has returned

People of the older generation remember the word "scarcity", it means a lack of goods, when it is impossible to buy it even with money. Now you can buy anything ... except for the "top" video cards that are used to mine Ethereum and other cryptocurrencies. In Moscow, all more or less productive video cards have been bought up, including those that have been restored after repair. Not believing their luck, sellers doubled or even tripled the price of graphics cards. Because of this, players have lost the joy of playing at maximum settings until the “gold rush” subsides.

However, manufacturers are meeting consumer demand. Both NVIDIA and AMD have announced the release of graphics cards designed specifically for miners. These video cards do not have a monitor output, which significantly reduces the cost of their production. Also in video cards for miners, the structure of the printed circuit board and the cooling system have been changed.