This week is coming to an end and it has been a truly tumultuous one for cryptocurrencies and blockchain.
The focus is on the growth of the main digital currency, BTC, whose price has surpassed $3,500 and is not going to stop. The Ethereum cryptocurrency is not far behind, having confidently settled above $300 by the end of this week. At the same time, the main trading volume of BTC occurs in Japan (43.6% of transactions). The top five most active trading pairs with BTC, in addition to the Japanese yen, included the US dollar, Chinese yuan, South Korean won and euro. And the total capitalization of cryptocurrencies this week increased to $120 billion. The recently sensational cryptocurrency BTC Cash is losing popularity. Many BTC Cash holders began to get rid of their cryptocurrency by buying BTC, which was rising in price. The rise in the price of BTC is facilitated by the rapid introduction of SegWit technology, which can hardly be expected from BTC Cash.
Interesting cryptocurrency news came from foreign countries this week
China is starting to use blockchain to collect taxes and send out bills. In the US, the ICO of the Filecoin project raised $200 million in an hour. And members of the Australian Parliament are thinking about creating a state cryptocurrency.
Many important events for cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology took place in Russia “Renaissance Insurance” and the transport company “Business Lines” are going to change the insurance industry through the introduction of blockchain technology. And the blockchain insurance company Rega Risk began offering insurance for gadgets and unmanned aerial vehicles (drones). The weekly trading volume on LocalBTC for rubles reached almost a billion rubles, which indicates the growing popularity of BTC in Russia. And the ICO, which is being conducted by the Russian Mining Company (RMC), is going to collect the equivalent of $100 million, and this will be the first completely legal ICO from the point of view of Russian laws. The situation with the BTC-E cryptocurrency exchange has changed, and its users have hope of returning at least part of their money Representatives of the BTC-E exchange reported that they have gained control over part of the lost funds, and are going to return 55% of the debt to users at the end of August. In order to return the rest of the money, the BTC-E exchange will issue its own BTE tokens. In a similar way, the Bitfinex exchange paid off its debt to users after the hack. All users applying to receive money will need to undergo verification. And BTC-E will definitely no longer operate under the previous brand.