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Important information for BTC-E exchange clients has been published

On the BTCtalk forum, representatives of the BTC-E exchange reported that they had gained control of part of the lost funds, and now control 55% of the money that was on the exchange. They also say they are fighting the FBI for the remaining 45% of the seized funds. The BTC-E exchange will no longer exist, as its domain has been seized, and the US continues its lawsuit against the exchange.

A group of investors is expected to buy the service and pay off customer debts. All client obligations in fiat currencies are converted into BTE tokens at the rate of 1 BTE - 1 US dollar. 45% of the cryptocurrencies that were on the user’s balance are also transferred to BTE tokens. As a result, 55% of the funds on the exchange at the time of its closure can be withdrawn. Also, all users applying to receive money will need to undergo verification. Refunds are expected to begin at the end of August. The remaining debts will be covered by the exchange's income and possible return of funds from the services that confiscated them.

Source: forklog.com