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New data from the BTC-E cryptocurrency exchange became known

The recent arrest in Greece of Russian citizen Alexander Vinnik shocked the entire cryptocurrency community. Considerable surprise was caused by the fact that Vinnik is accused of leading a criminal group, laundering money through the BTC-e exchange in the amount of more than $ 4 billion, and even complicity in the theft of BTC from the Mt.Gox exchange. Then the exchange's employees reported that the FBI had seized the servers on which the databases and wallets of the service were located. The domain of the BTC-e exchange was also confiscated. However, representatives of the exchange state that Vinnik and his affairs have nothing to do with BTC-e, and all funds will be returned to users.

The most recent information received from BTC-e was that representatives of the exchange were able to access their databases and wallets. Data and balance sheets are being evaluated, and this information should be made public by the end of next week.

Source: coinspot.io